Monday, March 15, 2010


So, I've been having fun yesterday and today updating, writing and creating new/old fanfiction and just looked at my readers list and was absolutely amazed. I have readers from the following places...O___O:

United States, Canada, France, Philippines, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, Australia, Italy, Nigeria, Republic of Korea, Bahrain, India, Spain, Greece, Belgium, Romania, Netherlands, Pakistan, Taiwan, Jordan, Sweden, Hong Kong, Lithuania, Russian Federation, Brunei Darussalam (Never even HEARD of that place before), Finland, Mexico, Argentina, Switzerland, and Brazil.

I mean...holy shit! So far today over 300 people have read my stories and so far this month 743 people have read them. This is so...inspiring I guess. I'm totally addicted to reviews so I guess if I can get a book published I'll have people sending me fan mail, maybe?

I don't know how that works, but I look forward to it!

Onward, to writing once again!!


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