Saturday, February 5, 2011

Weekend Trip...

I'm sitting here on a very comfortable couch after falling asleep very early last night after having a very interesting night and I'm waiting...



Why does he take such long showers? It's not like he has a lot of hair to wash and he's using up all of the hot water...


Today we have driving down to South Carolina to see his Dad and help him with whatever it is he needs help with. I am totally against going for several reasons...

1-It's not even going to be a full weekend, or even two full days we're down there because we didn't leave last night and it feels like a waste of gas.

2-Aunt flow is on the verge of visiting and I'm not so sure how well I can keep the reigns on my emotions/temper when his father says something stupid.

3-We have so much of our own shit to do at home that I feel like it's retarded to go out and help his Dad who is going to be ungrateful as hell and come back home miserable because we're living in a pig sty.

4-He doesn't even want to go now, so why should we?

5-Because he doesn't want to go he's going to be grumpy the whole trip down and I will probably do nothing but sleep.

6-I just want to stay home.

In other news...well, don't think I can share that news yet, maybe later.

In other, other news. We were officially offered positions at the temp job we've been working! We get a pay raise of two bucks (which is a hell of alot) which'll put us at $16.00 and hour, we'll be able to have benefits in 30 days and vacation time/sick time/job security. It's a nice feeling!

Did I mention I'm still waiting?

I want to take a shower now! It's my turn already!

Oh, we decided to keep the cat, since his idiot father would never ask for her back I had a moment of weakness and told Keith we could keep her. Until we have babies anyway, no cats and babies...especially not this ill-tempered Demon who is currently laying behind my head on the couch and snoring.


I guess I'll go and check my bank account and flinch.

More updates to come this evening.

Hah...maybe, if I remember.

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